What if there's not enough quantity available to meet the seller's MOV?

Understand how product recommendations work

If the available quantity of a product is insufficient to meet the seller's Minimum Order Value (MOV), you'll see a message indicating this. In such cases, you can browse the seller's catalog and add more items to your cart until you reach the MOV. 

Just click on View MOV recommendations, and you will be redirected to the seller's catalog. Use the search bar, select a brand, or simple scroll down to find the items you want. 

MOV recommendations

You will see a bar, which will indicate how much more you need to spend to reach the seller's minimum order value. Once it goes green, you are ready to check out! 

MOV Recommendations 2

 If you need help reaching the required quantity or identifying the for a particular seller MOV, contact us via live chat or email at support@qogita.com