
Using the watchlist feature, you can add a stock trigger to their watchlist alerts. You can enter a target price and/or target stock and receive a notification via email when these requirements are met.


To add items to your watchlist, simply click on "Add to Watch List."


To see your watchlist and add a target price and/or quantity, go to your watchlist, click on the bell, and add your target price and target quantity. 


amend watchlist

You can easily add items to your cart from the watchlist., or remove them if you do not want to track them anymore. 

add to cart from watchlist

Additionally, if you regularly work with spreadsheets, we've introduced a bulk upload option that allows you to add multiple products to your watchlist by simply uploading a CSV file containing GTINs. This time-saving feature streamlines your workflow and keeps you informed about the availability of products, even if they are not in stock when added to your watchlist.

As a result, you'll be the first to know when these products are available through email notifications.